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Feb 02, 2023
Hỏi đáp Chuyên Gia
Can I use Blox to run a node?
Hey all.
Let's say I'm going to run Ankr node. Thus, I need 500 GD of storage for that. Can I use Blox?
- Fula Network
- Blox
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Feb 8 2023, 11:22You get 3 expansion card slots on FxBlox Lite where you can connect up to 3TB of Framework storage cards or any external drive. So storage way seems it's possible, if the speed also satisfies the requirements. You get USB 3.1 speed on the slots (5Gbps)
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Functionland is replacing Cloud Storage and Service Subscription economy by introducing a new category of products, called Blockchain-Attached Storage. It creates value by auto-minting crypto for the users and allocating a share to the developers.
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